Today was the first day of the outdoor market—the official beginning of the 2008 Farmers Market season! We are at a very interesting temporary location that actually feels like a little European street fair to me—see picture. It is not big enough to accommodate our full market, nor all the parking needed for our customers, but it is great for one more week until we move to the parking lot by the PERA building across from the state capitol. This will be an ideal location for our visitors, and is actually a pretty parking lot with big trees and very spacious. That will be our last temporary home until we move into our beautiful new location, where we will stay for the next 80 years (at least).
It was so great to see my regular customers again, and meet so many new ones. There is such excitement when people enter my booth—I always forget how this fuels me. One customer bought enough Mother and Baby soaps in gift bags to give as favors at a baby shower—it’s such an honor to be part of a new baby/new mama celebration that way.
And, starting this week, I am rolling out a new feature to my blog: CELEBRITY CUSTOMER/CITING OF THE WEEK. Hopefully it will always be celebrity CUSTOMER of the week, but alas, sometimes those famous folks in Santa Fe don’t come into my booth. Past celebrities who have been my customers include the actors Marsha Mason and Alan Arkin (both locals), and a citing of the modern dancer/choreographer Bill T. Jones.
This week’s CELEBRITY CUSTOMER OF THE WEEK IS . . . (drum roll please): Democracy NOW host Amy Goodman!
She is in town with her brother David, promoting their new book, “Standing Up to the Madness.” You can learn more about her at Thanks for coming by, Amy, and enjoy your lotion bars and soap!
Jackie Higginson, my saleswoman, was star-struck, as were her granddaughters. Her granddaughters readily told Amy that they were fans, but then when asked what they liked about her show said, “Ummmmmmm.” Very cute. I missed her, sadly. Wish I had a picture of her in my booth to share.
I also have to say that Jackie’s homeschooled granddaughters were working away with her in the booth today. Her eldest, Maya, was our right-hand woman, beautifully arranging my soaps and lotions, keeping the table stocked, sticking labels on bags and tins, and taking good care of customers. She’s a welcome addition to my business.
Come see us next weekend at the Market!
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